When football love, wine love and a few people with ideas come togethercome together, the result in this case is the following: High-quality wines in Eintracht garb.
Company portrait
UnderTheCork is an exclusive wine partner - wine and sparkling wine with passion
With all the good wines that can be found under a cork, Under TheCork not only sells wines, spirits, hampers etc., UTC also provides advice and expertise when it comes toUTC also provides advice and expertisewhen it comes to selecting the right products to accompany culinary specialities.The two founders and passionate Eintracht fans Matthias Grieshaber and HeikoWilhelm did not take long to come up with the idea of combining their passions of football and wine.with each other. The result was a wonderful Eintracht wine programme,programme, which not only impresses with its sophisticated design, but also with its its high-quality contents. The naming and the outer appearance are thereforeinevitably in the sign of the eagle.
What articles are available?
- Tradition Rieslin
- Chardonnay Pinot Blanc
- Rosé Olé - best rosé of the Palatinate 2020
- Black White Red - Pinot Gris
- Fancurvée - red wine cuvée
- Fancurvée MAGNUM - red wine cuvée
- Sparkling wine Attila - white sparkling wine
- Sparkling wine Diva - sparkling wine rosé
- Adler Pinot Brut - sparkling wine
- Adler Pinot Brut Magnum - Sparkling wine
Where are the articles available?
- Online at: https://www.under-the-cork.de/wein/eintracht-weine/
- Follow UTC on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eintrachtweine/
- In selected beverage retailers and in some REWE stores in the Rhine-Main area
- In the official Eintracht Frankfurt fan shops in Frankfurt
- In the partner fan shops in Wetzlar and Fulda
Impressions from production
Customer Service UNDER THE CORK
You can reach the colleagues at Under the Cork by e-mail, telephone or contact form:
Mo. - Fr.:
09:00-16:00 hrs
Closed on public holidays in Hesse
E-mail: hello@under-the-cork.de
Tel.: 0173-7247218 Matthias Grieshaber (Geschäftsführer)