The round must go into the square! This applies to Eintracht Frankfurt as well as to the new Eintracht salmon from TINEMA GmbH, if you take a look at the great new packaging - try it now!

Company portrait

TINEMA GmbH is an owner-managed trading company specialising in smoked fish and seafood specialities. Under the umbrella of TINEMA GmbH is a strong product portfolio, established under the brands FRIEDRICHS (founded in 1889), KRONE FISCH (founded in 1972) and MEINE LIEBLINGE (founded in 2017). Our unique variety of products is known throughout Germany and we supply the entire German food retail sector. We have always focussed on passion and uncompromising quality - success factors that have made us a leader in the fish and delicatessen sector. As our owners and employees are not only passionate about smoked salmon, but are also passionate about Eintracht, it made sense for us to offer an exclusive Eintracht salmon - after all, what would a victory celebration for our Eagles or a thrilling cup evening be without the right nourishment in the form of healthy salmon? Enjoy your meal and see you at the next game!

PS: Pass the word - we're giving away a limited-edition anniversary player jersey signed by the men's professional keeper, no. 0004 of only 1899 jerseys produced in the special anniversary edition worth EUR 250, as well as 10 vouchers for the fan shop worth EUR 189.90 each until 31 December 2024. Take part now! Simply buy the Eintracht salmon, scan the QR code on the inside of the packaging and go directly to the competition page - good luck!

What items are available?

  • Eintracht salmon 90g (EF001899)

Where can I buy the products?

  • In various food markets throughout the Rhine-Main area, e.g. REWE, Globus, etc.


You can reach the Eintracht Frankfurt fans or friendly colleagues at TINEMA by phone or e-mail and, of course, by post:

phone: +49 6171 635 0

mail: info@tinema.de

Company headquarters | Postal address:


Daimlerstraße 3

61449 Steinbach (Taunus)