Apfelweinkontor | Artbembel

Cheers to Eintracht

Company portrait Apfelweinkontor

Apfelweinkontor, run by Josef Grunenberg and Dayanna Moya, was founded in 2010 and is based in Schellgasse 8, the oldest half-timbered house in Frankfurt (built in 1292), in the Sachsenhausen district.

Under the slogan "WEIN AUS ÄPFELN" we currently produce 7 different types of cider and have made it our mission to redefine cider according to our own ideas. We give our products a creative and artistic aspect, both in terms of flavour and the design of the bottles and labels. We were most recently awarded gold, silver and bronze for our products at the New York International Cider Competition in 2020. With a total of over 60 varieties of cider from our own production and the production of other wineries, we offer a wide range of products and organise cider seminars and cider tastings throughout the year. Our task and our goal is to give cider a fair platform and to help it become better known and more popular beyond the region. In 2023, we have already had over 2000 guests at our cider tastings.

Company portrait Artbembel

A few years ago, we founded the "Artbembel" brand, under which we create art and merchandise items centred around the Bembel and cider. The centrepiece is our modern Bembel in a matt look, which we offer in various sizes and motifs. Popular Bembel motifs include the Frankfurt skyline, family crests, company logos, modern ornamental Bembel or freestyle according to customer requirements. Our Eintracht Artbembel, which we have been producing as an official licence partner of SGE since the beginning of 2023, are very popular. Together we develop new ideas for the Eintracht Artbembel and Dayanna Moya, the company's artist, realises them in her unique style, making each hand-painted Artbembel one of a kind.

What articles are available?

Hand-painted and self-designed Eintracht Artbembel:

  • Sizes: 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 litres
  • Variants: Longneck and Shortneck
  • Colours: Black-Edition, Blue-Edition, Black&Red-Edition
  • Design 1: Drop ornamentation by Dayanna
  • Design 2: Eagle ornamentation by Josef

Where can I buy the items? 

Online at: https://www.apfelweinkontor.com/


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Impressions from production


You can reach our colleagues at Apfelweinkontor by phone or e-mail:

E-mail: post@apfelweinkontor.de

Phone: 0049 - 69 - 60609987

Company headquarters | Postal address:


Josef Grunenberg

Schellgasse 8

60594 Frankfurt am Main